Meal Plan


Eating healthy is a life’s journey. The way we eat and live is constantly changing, and with it the trends and tips from a lot of ˝experts˝. As a result, there are more and more unproven diets that will not help you feel better or reach your goal and thus improve the quality of your life.

It is very important that we have enough energy during the day for work, walking the dog, and all other daily activities. I believe that you know how important the role of a healthy diet is for this.

There is a way to have more energy, a way to be healthier and feel great in your body. Wouldn't you like to know it and use it for yourself?

Proper nutrition is an easy way to achieve all of that. If you use healthy foods, combine them properly and prepare them in a healthy way, you can reach your goal and become the best version of yourself.

I am often contacted by clients who wonder why they are not making any progress even after changing their diet and exercising regularly. After the conversation, I usually come to the conclusion that for example they don’t have enough meals during the day or they don’t combine food properly. It is important to know that starvation and dieting are not a long-term solution.

Lifestyle changes can seem difficult and overwhelming, especially if you don't know where to start. If you don’t have a plan or someone to support you, you may give up quickly. There is a way to overcome this.

I'm absolutely sure anyone can succeed with a bit of effort, and that is why my goal is to share my knowledge and make your journey as easy as possible.


Your new diet plan will explain everything in detail:

  • what and when to eat, how to combine food properly,
  • how much you should eat
  • what to avoid or reduce
  • what can help you feel satiated, but not bloated and more.

This will resolve all your concerns if you have any.


In case you travel frequently and eat in restaurants, or are unable to prepare meals at home for any other reason, you would need to have a simpler meal plan.
In accordance with your lifestyle and obligations, a strategy will be made that is best for you.

Each meal plan is specifically tailored to fit the individual and in order to make it, it is vital for me to know your health condition, daily habits and needs.


That is why the meal plan is based on the following:

  • anamnesis (medical history and daily activities of the patient)
  • blood test results
  • diagnosis and treatment plans (if any)

I'm working with::

  • Healthy people
  • People with health issues
  • Whole family (everyone gets their own meal plan, but if you have lunch together, those meals are the same so you don't have to prepare everything separately)
  • children
  • teenagers
  • people who are physically active (recreationally and professionally)
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women

I am also making medical meal plans for those who have health problems such as hypertension, gastritis, insulin resistance, diabetes, gout, anemia, hashimoto, etc.

Natural ways of weight regulation!

I'm working with healthy people, people with health issues (such as hypertension, gastritis, insulin resistance, diabetes, gout, anemia, hashimoto, etc.), a family, children, teenagers, physically active people (recreationally / professionally), pregnant and breastfeeding women.