
Marija Stojkovac
  • BSc Nutritionist-dietitian
  • Phone: +381 69 111 29 92
  • Email: marija.st@yahoo.com
  • Skills: Nutrition and health promotion


She’s a Graduate from a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition & Dietetics. She graduated at the School of Applied Health Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia. She gained additional knowledge through an internship at the Clinical Centre of Serbia and working in a Nutrition Studio in Belgrade.

A nutritionist-dietitian is a healthcare professional qualified to work in the field of nutrition with both healthy and sick people. Healthy eating and lifestyle changes play a major role in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases (hypertension, diabetes...), which are the leading cause of mortality. The nutritionist-dietitian has knowledge that can be applied in the treatment of diseases in which healthy nutrition is required as a part of therapy.

Professional skills

100%Principles of nutrition planning
90%Feedback and communication
85%Psychology of emotional eating and support
100%Weight management strategies
80%Understanding of new nutrition trends
85%Physical activity and exercise


When you are a child you don’t give much thought about food you are eating and its effect on your health. You eat what you like, and even get a bit angry at your parent who is trying to make you eat that horrible chard which is supposedly good for your digestion. Why would a child even think about digestion?

I’ve started thinking about the impact the food has on our body and mind since I was quite young. When I was a child I was under a lot of stress and I didn’t know how to deal with my emotions. I figured that eating some specific foods could make me feel better which led me to choosing foods with almost no fibres. My meals consisted mostly of snacks, candy and sandwiches. The stress eating caused chronic constipation which means that I’ve had infrequent bowel movements, even for weeks at a time.

My health problem lasted for months and it became worse. I was bloated all the time, my stomach hurt, I’ve felt as I’ve had rocks in my stomach. I started losing weight, which was the consequence of eating less food, as I always have felt really full and couldn’t eat more than a few bites. This also affected my daily routines. I didn’t have enough energy to do simple tasks, though I had to go to school. It was all too much for me and I stopped being that energetic and positive child who is always laughing and having fun.

I didn’t tell my parents that I have this problem because I was ashamed. I thought that the problem will disappear by itself after some time, so I’ve kept quiet. Fortunately, my parents noticed the change in my behaviour, as well as the weight loss. They decided I needed to be examined by a doctor.

I’ve spent a lot of time going from one (incompetent) doctor to another, from one medical institution to another. A lot of different tests were performed that were very hard for a child, only to think that I was suffering from epilepsy (!?), which was not the case. They gave me drugs that treated the opposite of constipation, which made it an even bigger problem. My mom realized what was happening, took me to another hospital, so I finally ended up with a great doctor. He immediately put me on an IV, since I was dehydrated, gave me couple of helpful laxative drugs and he was the first doctor who actually spoke to me about the connection between the foods I eat and the digestive system, which I found quite interesting.

At the end of my treatment, and after months spent in a hospital, my health improved and I was being myself again. I have had a few psychotherapy sessions where I’ve learned how to manage stress in a way that doesn’t include stress eating. Those sessions made me wonder about the connection between emotions and foods we take so we could cope better. Additionally, I was amazed how human body works and wanted to know more how what we eat affects it.

My wish to know more about human nutrition never stopped, that’s why it was natural for me to finish my studies for a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition & Dietetics.


Everybody has their unique story, there are no two same clients. That is part of the reason why I love what I do. For example, if a client says that she wants to lose weight, that is not enough, I want to know why. I want to get familiar with my clients as much as I can, so I can answer their needs better.

I love seeing my clients reach their goals, especially if they were trying different diets for years and never got the result they’ve wanted. I’m very proud when a person tells me how he finally feels energized enough for his daily activities or how she can get into that beautiful dress that she wore before she gained pregnancy weight. Also, helping someone solve their health problem is a great success. When my clients are happy, I’m happy!

As a professional I know which foods are good for us and which are not, that’s why I feel bad when I go to a store or a restaurant and I see people buying foods that are clearly not healthy. Especially if the person is obese or a child, I don’t even want to think if he has any health problems like diabetes, hypertension or anything else. I am sure that people are usually not well informed about how foods affect their bodies and health. I am glad I can share my knowledge with my clients who are eager to learn and implement the information I give them, even later on, after they reach their goal. They are able to share what they’ve learned with their family and friends so they can all enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and that makes me very happy!

I am delighted to be a person who is able to motivate people to fight against the bad food choices so they can enjoy the healthy life. Their battle is my battle, and I’m always going in for a win! So let’s win it together!

Everyone who knows me will tell you that I love my job a lot. I enjoy working with people, especially in the field of nutrition, which directly concerns our health.

Without food there is no life!

Since I was very young, I’ve always wanted to help people and animals. I would always be there for my friends and family, even for people I didn’t know but who needed help. I have found the perfect combination of things I love in one job! Helping people – food - health! I do this because it fulfils me and it makes me feel very useful.

Like any business, it has its ups and downs. It can be hard sometimes, yet my passion keeps me excited and persistent, and I am sure that, no matter how hard it is, I will not give up on my dream.

Contact me

Natural ways of weight regulation!

I'm working with healthy people, people with health issues (such as hypertension, gastritis, insulin resistance, diabetes, gout, anemia, hashimoto, etc.), a family, children, teenagers, physically active people (recreationally / professionally), pregnant and breastfeeding women.