Stress and its effect on our mental and physical health

Stress and its effect on our mental and physical health

Stress and its effect on our mental and physical health

Stress can have a great negative impact on our mental and physical health.

What happens when you are under a lot of stress?

Stress occurs as a response to a possible danger to our body. Body defends itself by releasing hormones which make us more alert, focused and ready for action.

Acute stress can be positive. It may help you when you have a difficult exam, or when you have an argument with your partner, etc. It’s even something that happens when you are about to do an exciting activity, like going on the roller coaster, diving or buying a new flat; especially if you didn’t do the activity before. When the activity is finished, stress ends.

Chronic stress can have a bad impact on our health. It is the type of stress that continues even after the activity stops. The longer the period when you are under stress lasts, the harder it is for the stress to stop at all, and that can cause serious health problems.

How does the chronic stress affect our mind?

It can affect us with a range of symptoms, such as: negativism, anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, irritability, sadness, anger, constant worrying, bad judgement, forgetfulness, poor concentration and focus.

What can you do if you experience these symptoms?


Breathe slowly and deeply, in and out. Slow down your pulse and relax.

Listen to your favourite music, smell fresh flowers or a homemade bread, eat something you like, have a long hug with a person you love. Activate your senses!

Believe in yourself, and that you CAN have control over your emotions.

Lose the pessimist thoughts, don’t let them bring you down. If that is hard for you, you can always fake your thoughts. Imagine positive situations and outcomes even if they don’t feel realistic to you. Repeat them in your mind as much as you can. After some time, you will start believing in them and you will feel more optimistic.

Don’t be isolated! Ask your friends and family to be there for you.

Avoid people who are draining your energy and positive emotions, aka energy vampires.

How does the chronic stress affect our body?

It affects most of the systems in our body, like cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, excretory, digestive system.

It can cause a range of health issues, such as: hypertension, stroke, constipation, diarrhoea, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, menstrual problems, headaches, thyroid dysfunction, premature aging, acne, low quality sleep, fatigue, low libido, body and jaw stiffness, etc.

What can you do if you experience these symptoms?


Do yoga or a similar activity (great way to relax your body and mind).

Have a good laugh.

Eat healthy.

Sleep enough. Take a nap during the day.

Move your body. Dance, go for a swim, run or a walk; exercise every day.

Limit your screen time.

Reduce smoking, alcohol and caffeine intake.

Enjoy the sun at least 20 minutes per day.

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