Reasons for weight fluctuations

Reasons for weight fluctuations

Reasons for weight fluctuations

First of all, there is a big chance that you didn’t lose or gain body fat. So what happened?

You used a different body scale.

Weight changes depend on days of the week. You tend to be more relaxed over the weekends, therefore you usually eat more. The consequences could be seen even till the middle of the week.

Weight varies throughout the day. The number that the scale shows is going to be different during the morning, the afternoon and the evening.

Not having regular bowel movements can lead to an increased scale number.

Stress. It can cause higher cortisol level, which has a negative impact on sleep, metabolism, emotional eating, digestion… Stress could be both mental and physical (intense workout, etc.).

Exercise. Sore muscles after a workout lead to an increased weight. Also, building more muscle mass. Sweating makes you lose water which causes weight drop (don’t forget to hydrate!).

Menstrual cycle. Women during this period tend to change their eating habits (sugar and carbs cravings, overeating, etc.), though this is not the only reason why the scale goes up. There is also flatulence, water retention, hormone change

Medication. Some drugs can affect the hormones, appetite, water retention, etc.

Alcohol. It has a lot of calories, causes water retention. Body sees it as a toxin and all of the energy for food digestion now focuses on dealing with the alcohol, so the digestion of food slows down.

Here are some tips for you.

Check your weight on the same scale every time and also make sure that batteries aren’t used up.

Measure yourself after you wake up and without the clothes.

Don’t do it every day. It can be very stressful, especially because of the mentioned fluctuations. It is enough to measure yourself once per a week and it’s even better to measure your waist, hip and arm circumferences. Do it in the mornings, at about the same time each day you choose for the measurement.

Girls, during your period, in order to reduce the bloating, feel free to take magnesium every day, drink plenty of water and diuretic tea, reduce salt intake, start using cumin in meals.

Don’t overeat in the evenings.

Avoid overly salty meals.

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